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Jungalow Studio

Design Studio

Our multi-disciplinary design studio crafts vibrant designs for clients such as Barbie, Target, and The Hollywood Bowl. We specialize in interior design, product design, styling, graphic design, storytelling, illustration, and artwork, bringing our iconic, lush and personal aesthetic to each project.

Check out a selection of our favorite projects below.


We designed the Peachblow Paradise bathroom for the Kohler Showroom in Kohler, Wisconsin.

Jungalow Barbie Dream House


As a child, I used to build worlds for my Barbies. I’d spend endless hours with my sister, Faith, crafting intricate realms, stitching tiny garments from vibrant fabrics, and fashioning furniture from corks, toothpicks, and bottle caps! Early experiences like these introduced me to the magic of design and inspired me to become a designer and artist. So you can imagine how excited I was when @BarbieStyle reached out about what sounded like a dream collab: Jungalow designing a room in Barbie’s dreamhouse !!!

Learn more about this collab here.

Hollywood Bowl

The Hollywood Bowl is probably one of my favorite places in Los Angeles – music, nature, creativity swirling in the open air under the stars – who wouldn’t love it?! You can imagine how over the moon I was when the Hollywood Bowl asked me to design the merch for the 2023 Jazz Festival!

Read more about this project here.

Hollywood Bowl Jazz Fest
Casita Jungalow Grenada Tile

Granada Tile

It’s no secret how obsessed with tile I am. I’ve made tile the centerpiece of every major renovation I’ve done. I’ve always dreamt of designing my own tile, and that dream became a reality when I connected with Granada Tile to create a custom tile design for my Casita.

Purchase the tile design here.


As a Target Home Style Expert, I served up my bright, bold aesthetic—and plenty of DIY tips and tricks. First up: I created a beautiful bedroom sanctuary. Go ahead, immerse yourself in this inspiring, relaxing space.

Justina Blakeney for Target
Justina Blakeney and Andersen


"Blakeney has a certain knack for bringing the outside world into the home. She is, after all, the author of three home design books celebrating a distinctly bohemian aesthetic. She’s also the creator behind the Jungalow home decor line — recognizable for its exuberant use of color, pattern, and plants. So, it should come as no surprise that as she set out to update her own home, she found all sorts of ways to make connections with nature, including through “mirroring” colors and materials found outside..."

Read more about this collab, here.

Velux Skylights

An ongoing collaboration with Velux Skylights shares with our communities how to connect the indoors and outdoors through the magic of Skylights.

Velux Skylights